Kyle McCleester
Being presented here is a commercial made for Crosley. The commercial focuses on a standard record player. This commercial is not affiliated with Crosley, it is a fan made commercial meant to demonstrate my abilities in cinematography, audio engineering, and editing. Hopefully it convinces you to check out their products!
My role in the project was director, cinematographer, audio engineer, editor, and voice over talent.
One last thing, I would like to give a special thanks to Juaquin Klinger for helping with setup and tear down of the set.
Here you can see a PSA I made to promote sibling respect, love, and companionship. My goal with this project was to hopefully demonstrate the importance of being a good sibling or family member.
My role in the project was writer, director, cinematographer, and editor.
I'd like to give a special thanks to Drew Mihelcic for engineering the audio, Layne Lutz for being the host, and Matthew Stotler for helping with building the set.
To the left is a radio play I produced similar to those broadcasted before a T.V was the main form of entertainment! It is called 'Escape' and is an original story about a young man named Clark whos life is starting to become intertwined with the supernatural in a very unwanted way.
My role in the project was producer, writer, audio engineer, foley artist, and editor.
I'd like to give a very special thanks to Matthew Stotler as Clark Miller, Cole Suppes as Dr. Neil, and Emory Miyagishima as the narrator.
This audio piece is meant to demonstrate a speech spoken to a stadium full of people about the TCC, or the time control center, and their advancements in space and time travel. Rick King works as a PR represenitive for the TCC and is hoping to convince the people of earth to join the first voyage through time.
You will find on Matthew Stotler's portfolio, an audio piece using the same fictional company detailed in this piece. Matthew and I had an idea to connect two of our projects and have them tell two parts of the same story.
To keep updated on the adventure, be sure to check out Matthew Stotler and his piece "Star Audio".
Id like to give a special thanks to Layne Lutz as the announcer, and the lower quarter students providing the crowd.
Being presented to the left is a promotional video I made for my hometown of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. This video was made for my Senior Project at PTC.
My purpose for making this video was to highlight some aspects of Johnstown that make my hometown special.
Special thanks to Dawn and Bill McCleester, Dee Suppes, Katie McCleester, Remi and Ra'hel, and Cooper.
My role in the project was writer, cinematographer, editor, voice-over talent, and director.